Ways to Improve Process From the First Call


Sales between businesses provide a variety of challenges (B2B). To say that the B2B sales process is challenging and time-consuming would be an understatement.

In contrast to business-to-consumer (B2C) sales, the B2B sales cycle involves a large number of senior-level decision-makers. Due to the fact that the average order value is typically higher, it is frequently more challenging to convince prospects that your product is the greatest fit for them.

As a result, the length of the sales cycle also increases. It becomes challenging to maintain pace and keep prospects as a result.

According to HubSpot, at least five follow-up calls are necessary for 80% of sales. Nevertheless, 44% of salespeople give up after just one follow-up.

Individualize the Demo Depending on the Requirements of Your Customers

The most effective B2B sales demos assist prospects in comprehending how your good or service matches their business. Prospects should leave the demo with a clear understanding of the difficulties and problems they can solve with your solution. As a result, the demo becomes a crucial part of making a sale.

How can the salespeople do interesting demos? The secret is to make them unique to each prospect. Having a uniform script to direct your sales staff is a fantastic idea. But make sure they can be tailored to the specific requirements and problems of each prospect.

Your sales representatives should have a wealth of background knowledge about the prospect’s business, position within the firm, and objectives if they spent enough time in the discovery process. CRM systems like HubSpot and Salesforce may potentially be useful in this situation.

Make sure your salespeople show how your product or service alleviates the prospect’s problems using all the data they have gathered. Mention particular benefits and characteristics that support their objectives.

It’s also a good idea for salespeople to modify their language, communication, and visual aids to correspond with the prospect’s degree of technical proficiency and preferred learning style.

Real-World Case Studies Should Be Shown Throughout the Cycle

Case studies are a great technique for attracting prospects’ attention and moving them up the sales funnel. Due to the participation of several stakeholders in purchasing choices, they are especially important in B2B sales as they contribute to the development of credibility and trust.

Restricting case studies to product demos is a typical error made by salespeople. But, it’s smarter to employ case studies at every point of the sales cycle, beginning with the discovery call, if you want to streamline the workflow of your sales team.

It’s crucial to identify case studies that are pertinent to prospects’ particular industries, business sizes, or pain concerns when choosing examples to share with them. They’ll be able to appreciate the potential of your solution and how it may aid them in achieving their objectives. Ask business vendors to discuss the achievements, difficulties, and triumphs that past clients have encountered.